

Nom de l'objet : Biospecimen
Catégorie de l'objet : Biological T&E
Matériaux : Cardboard
Numéro d'accession : 1988.003 a-c
Date de fin de production : 1988-12-31
Description : a) A cardboard box with plastic taped to the top so that you can see the piece of reddish brown hair that is tied with red ribbon. b) Box top which is the same material as the box.  Picture glued to top, this covers a bad rip. c)Red/brown horse hair.
Commentaires : a) On the bottom written in  pencil it tells of receiving this from someone at a Macabee Hall pie sale on Dec 23, 1912.  Below this written in ink it says "Old Mike shot Aug 1912.  We came to Sask. 1913.  Left Nova Scotia Aug 14, 1913."  Old Mike was a horse who belonged to Curry Spidle's family, but he was not only a member of their family, he was a member of the neighborhood and furnished transportation for many.  He was a sorrel with a white face, and in his young days he was quite a familiar figure in the winter horse races on the ice of New Germany lake.  He plowed and narrowed fields, cut, raked and hauled hay, dragged logs from the woods to the lake shore, hauled lumber from the mill to he yard and from there to the store to pay the grocery bill.  He hauled firewood from the woods, and provided the families only means of transportation.  He transported them to the stores, picnics, and the station when family members were leaving or coming home.
Fonctions : A lock of hair is a piece or pieces of hair that has been cut from, or remains singly on, a human head, most commonly bunched or tied together in some way.  Locks of hair carry symbolic value and have been utilized throughout history in various religious, superstitious, and sentimental roles. ... Historically, giving a lock of one's hair to someone has been considered a sign of love and devotion, especially before an impending separation.
Hauteur : 3.3 cm
Longueur : 15.5 cm
Largeur : 6 cm
Établissement : Parkdale - Maplewood Community Museum  Facebook-Parkdale - Maplewood Community Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : Maplewood
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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