
Print, Photographic

Image - Print, Photographic Image - Print, Photographic Image - Print, Photographic
Pour © contacter :
Cape Breton Miners' Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Print, Photographic
Catégorie de l'objet : Graphic Documents
Numéro d'accession : NMP-370
Autres données géographiques : [46.1367899,-60.194224:46.242273,-60.2306134:45.6554167,-60.8685694:45.9221352,-59.9713119]
Date de début de production : 1860-01-01
Date de fin de production : 1996-12-31
Description : Note Accession contains 13 photocopied photos on several pieces of paper. Each photo will be described briefly, numbered 1 to 13. 1. "A Dominion Coal Co's Shipping Pier" - Depicted is a difficult to view photocopy of several coal cars on tracks at the shipping pier. 2. "Banking Coal at the G.M.A. Pit Sydney Mines, C.B." - Depicted is a shot of a colliery. You can see most of the buildings and several smokestacks. 3. "Dominion Coal Co's International Shipping pier, Sydney, C.B." - Depicted is a pier on the waterfront. You can see several cranes and boats docked. 4. "Bank Head of Queen Pit, Sydney Mines, C.B." - Depicted is a wide angle view of a colliery in Sydney Mines. You can see several large buildings and smoke stacks in the distance and the rail road tracks leading into it. 5. "Dominion Coal Co's Washing Plant" - Depicted is the washing plant for Dominion Coal Co. You can see the rail road tracks used for transporting coal to and from the plant. 6. "Bank Head at Dominion No. 1, Dominion Coal Co., C.B." - Depicted is a large building in front of some rail tracks. A large smoke stack is visible in the right side of the photo. 7. "Caledonian Bank Head, Dominion Coal Co., C.B." - The bank head of the Caledonia mine is show here. The rail tracks curve into the bank head and some mine cars are visible entering/leaving. 8. "Group of shaftsmen employed by the Dominion Coal Co., C.B." - Depicted is a group photo of several men in what looks like rain gear in an above ground shot. Some trees are visible in the background and a builidng to the left. 9. "Miner's picnic excursion, Dominion Coal Co's Miners." - Depicted is a train with many cars attached, all filled with what apears to be miners". The train has just passed by a small lake or river and several buildings can be seen on the other side of it. 10. "A 110 ton engine in use on the Sydney and Louisburg R.R., C.B." - Depicted is a the main car of a train, showing off the 110 ton engine. 11. "St. Peter's Canal, Bras D'Or Lake, Entrance, C.B." - Depicted are several boats coming through a canal. 12. "International Bank Head, The Dominion Coal Co., C.B." - A faded photo of several coal cars at a bank head. A large smoke stack can be seen in the background. 13. "Louisburg, C.B." - A wide angle shot of the town of Louisburg. Hard to make out many details due to the photocopy, but shapes of buildings can be seen in the distance.
Établissement : Cape Breton Miners' Museum  Facebook-Cape Breton Miners' Museum  Twitter-Cape Breton Miners' Museum  YouTube-Cape Breton Miners' Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Glace Bay
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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