
Painting [Duplicate]

Nom de l'objet : Painting [Duplicate]
Catégorie de l'objet : Art
Numéro d'accession : 1978.067.002-1
Date de début de production : 1854-01-01
Date de fin de production : 1854-12-31
Description : Waist-length oil portrait of Elizabeth Albro, by Herrick, London, England, 1854. Wife of Edward Albro. Dark dress with lace cap, collar, cuffs, & front inserts; 2 roses on either side of her face; left hand rests on large book, right elbow next to it with hand to chin. Ornate gold frame with oval opening. M. Lavers did work in 1979 Envelope Edw & Eliz (Creighton) John (son ? Uncle Edward & Aunt Bess from ____ ____. They are very artistic in beautiful frames. They were painted in London in 1854 by Herrick a noted artist in oil portraits. They cost 50 pounds each. Taken care to have them, you are most truly welcome. (These are part of the Albro _____). Reciprocating your kind wishes John Albro Edward Albro's When Marjorie Lavers was restoring this frame she found on the back of it the date, June 1873 and the name Reggitt. She though Reggitt might be the name or the framer, but wouldn't the frames have been put on the portraits long before this?  
Fonctions : Mentioned on page 5 of "A Life in Folklore" by Helen Crieghton
Établissement : Dartmouth Heritage Museum  Facebook-Dartmouth Heritage Museum  YouTube-Dartmouth Heritage Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Dartmouth
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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