
Album, Photograph

Nom de l'objet : Album, Photograph
Catégorie de l'objet : Graphic Documents
Numéro d'accession : 2012.040.001
Date de début de production : 1894-05-03
Date de fin de production : 1894-05-03
Description : Tooled leather album of a faded red colour, appearing now to be ruddy brown. The front and back covers have a geometric pattern on it with a leafy pattern detailing it in gold. The word "ALBUM" is written on the spine in gold. On the inside cover, written in pencil are the words "Mrs M.L. Mumford Dartmouth. May 3rd 1894". The album has 25 card pages and a total of 48 photographs. There is one photo on each page, slipped through an opening in the card at the bottom of the page. Each photo is framed in a square border of 4 gold lines. Almost all photos in the album are tintypes. (See also 2012.040.001.001 to 2012.040.001.048 for individual pages)
Longueur : 14.2cm
Largeur : 11cm
Établissement : Dartmouth Heritage Museum  Facebook-Dartmouth Heritage Museum  YouTube-Dartmouth Heritage Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Dartmouth
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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