

Image - Book Image - Book Image - Book
Pour © contacter :
Annapolis Valley Macdonald Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Book
Titre : Latin Grammar
Catégorie de l'objet : Documentary artifact
Matériaux : Paper, Ink, Cardboard
Numéro d'accession : 81.1.106
Date de début de production : 1908-01-01
Date de fin de production : 1908-12-31
Description : This textbook is encased by a brown cover with thin black lettering that states the title of the book "Latin Grammar" in a horizontal black outlined rectangle. A Vertical outlined rectangle contains the name of the series that this book belongs to "Bennett's Latin Series" as well as the publishing company "Allyn and Bacon". The spine of the book indicates this information as well, this time in a gold text. The inside title page states the full name of the author as Charles E. Bennett, Professor of Latin in Cornell University. The back cover of this book is solid brown. This textbook contains no illustrations. 280 pages
Commentaires : Found in accession office in basement in 2019. Contains an accession number but no trace of it could be found online. No worksheet could be found either. This book was given a new worksheet in 2019. If old worksheet is found please attach to new one. 
Longueur : 7.5cm
Largeur : 5.3cm
Établissement : Annapolis Valley Macdonald Museum  Facebook-Annapolis Valley Macdonald Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : Middleton
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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