
Print, Photographic

Image - Print, Photographic
Pour © contacter :
Chestico Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Print, Photographic
Catégorie de l'objet : Graphic Documents
Matériaux : paper
Numéro d'accession : CMP 08-69J
Date de début de production : 1910-01-01
Date de fin de production : 1910-12-31
Description : Mr. Stephens is standing facing the camera. He is wearing a suit and stetson. His wife is just visible over his shoulder. She is wearing a long gown. Two men have their backs to the camera. All seem to be on the deck of a boat. They are looking towards the mountains.
Commentaires : All ten photos were in an envelope from N. MacLeod a photographer in Sydney. The envelope was addressed to Mrs. N. Thomas, Port Hood. It was postmarked from Sydney, October 11, 1927. A Norman Thomas was minister at St. Stephens United Church from 1927 1929. Mrs. N. Thomas may well have been his wife.  
Fonctions : Alfred Reynolds store was located in Daniel MacLennans law office. Alfred, a former clerk of Lawyer MacLennans donated the boxes of papers that were left in the building to the Chestico Musuem & Historical Society circa 1978. Due to a lack of time and manpower the boxes were not gone through until 2007-2008.  
Hauteur : 13.9 cm
Largeur : 8.2 cm
Établissement : Chestico Museum  Facebook-Chestico Museum  Twitter-Chestico Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : Chestico
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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