
Copy, Reprographic

Nom de l'objet : Copy, Reprographic
Titre : Descendants of John Fraser
Catégorie de l'objet : Other Documents
Numéro d'accession : L-19
Description : Printed copy of a photo featuring a group standing in the upstairs exhibit space of Shelburne County Museum. There are two women, three children, and a toddler present. They are identified on the back as "Descendants of John Fraser: Front Row ( L to R ) Mandy Holmes; Lise Homles; Back Row - Cathy Holmes holding Anna Christine; Bernie Holmes; Nettie Conrad." Writing on the back reads "Descendants of John Fraser."  Additional text gives a brief history of John Fraser, Loyalist. 
Longueur : 18.4 cm
Largeur : 24.7 cm
Établissement : Shelburne County Museum  Facebook-Shelburne County Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : Shelburne
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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