
Plate, Commemorative

Image - Plate, Commemorative
Pour © contacter :
Colchester Historeum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Plate, Commemorative
Catégorie de l'objet : Memorabilia
Matériaux : China
22K Gold
Numéro d'accession : 00.2486
Autres données géographiques : [45.364109425869,-63.278632164002]; [45.360170647825,-63.287743628026]
Date de début de production : 1980-01-01
Date de fin de production : 1980-12-31
Description : Cream coloured place, with a gold trimmed scallopped edge. Two drawings of building in brownin the middle of the plate with decrative text explaining the commemorative event.
Fonctions : This plate was made for the 125th anniversary of the Nova Scotia Teachers College. The 125th anniversary, as stated on the plate, was in 1980 thus dating the plate itself to the year 1980. There was no other information found on the specific artifact. Research was then conducted on the topic depicted on the plate. The Nova Scotia Teachers College officially opened in 1855 under the name of the Provincial Normal School.[1] The school was located at 752 Prince Street in Truro, Nova Scotia.[2] The purpose of this school was to provide facilities to educate people to become teachers themselves. [3] As the Provincial Normal School was the first recognized building in this college system, it is depicted on the plate to mark the beginning of the college. The date, 14th November 1855, is the day the building was officially opened.[4] Throughout the years the school went through many different name changes. In 1909 the name was changed to Provincial Normal College.[5] In 1951 the name was changed to Nova Scotia Normal College.[6] The final name change occurred in 1961, becoming the Nova Scotia Teachers College.[7] The college stayed open and in practice, continually upgrading their services and qualifications for teachers until the colleges closing in 1997.[8] The final building to be officially opened on the campus of the college was the McCarthy Hall, opened February 13th 1980.[9] This building is also featured on the plate to mark the colleges 125th anniversary that same year.    As an interesting side note, it was discovered that the building the Colchester Historeum is housed in was once the science building for the Provincial Normal School.[10] The location was used to train teachers in the scientific fields.
Établissement : Colchester Historeum  Facebook-Colchester Historeum  Twitter-Colchester Historeum  YouTube-Colchester Historeum
Ville de l'établissement : Truro
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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