
Pencil, Mechanical

Image - Pencil, Mechanical
Pour © contacter :
Colchester Historeum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Pencil, Mechanical
Catégorie de l'objet : Writing device
Numéro d'accession : 08.5026
Date de début de production : 1889-01-01
Date de fin de production : 1945-12-31
Description : The main area of the pen, 4.5 cm is of bakelite resembling marble. The lead end is of brass. At the opposite end, a small cap with a ring for a chain is the cover for a section which pulls out and holds spare leads.
Commentaires : This Pencil was found in the house at 143 Queen St. about 1944-45 when Mr. & Mrs Walter Crocker purchased the house and were having it converted to apartments. At that time, the house had been owned by a Bent Family. Mrs. Turple was employed by Crockers at that time. 143 Queen st, Truro, NS Built 1886-1889 A 3 storey wood frame bldg with a mansard roof. This bldg is a good example of the second empire style. The front façade has bay windows extending through the first two floors with round headed dormers on the third. The proportions and lines of this house (vertical and curved) produce an elegant, architectural design. Edward Archibald (b 1845) also known as Capt. And Ned brother of Alex. K. - Sons of Timothy who lived on nearby property (1878 map) and direct descendents of Matthew & Janet Fisher Archibald (Miller p. 64) Bros. Were gold miners in Guysborough & built these identical houses on adjoining properties. Edward's son Harry dies of injuries from W.W.I. In 1920's. was engaged to Ruth Davidson. Edward's widow married J.D. MacKay & this family lived in this house for many years. On original site, does not appear to be altered and is in very good condition important in maintaining the dominant character of the area.
Longueur : 8 cm
Établissement : Colchester Historeum  Facebook-Colchester Historeum  Twitter-Colchester Historeum  YouTube-Colchester Historeum
Ville de l'établissement : Truro
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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