

Image - Photograph
Pour © contacter :
Colchester Historeum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Photograph
Catégorie de l'objet : Graphic Documents
Numéro d'accession : 87.23.1
Autres données géographiques : [45.3688499,-63.2851125:45.3650546,-63.2802355]
Date de début de production : 1865-01-01
Date de fin de production : 1987-12-31
Description : Rebecca Cameron (seated in the center) opened this hospital at what is now 90 Park Street.  Later it was moved to Isreal Longworth's house on west Prince (now the site of the Royal Park Condomuniums). The ample folds and tucks and pleats of the nurses' uniforms, and their large starched caps were characteristic of the time. Imagine the ironing involved. Like the clothes and uniforms of any time, these reflect the values and aspirations of a certain society. This one valued the ceremonial and the disciplined. Negative available in negative binder 2, pg 18, slot 4
Longueur : 6 in
Largeur : 8 in
Établissement : Colchester Historeum  Facebook-Colchester Historeum  Twitter-Colchester Historeum  YouTube-Colchester Historeum
Ville de l'établissement : Truro
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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