

Image - Textbook
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Little White Schoolhouse Museum
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Nom de l'objet : Textbook
Titre : Elementary Practical Mathematics for High Schools
Artiste ou artisan : Eaton, Frank H., A.B. (Harv.).
Type de l'objet : Mathematics
Catégorie de l'objet : Communication Artifacts
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : Documentary Artifact
Matériaux : ink
Technique de fabrication : Printed
Numéro d'accession : T0001
Fabricant : Neilson's
Nom du marchand : Unknown
Province d'origine : NS
Pays d'origine : Canada
Date de fin de production : 18830000
Description : This high school mathematics text, Elementary Practical Mathematics (128 pages), was written by Frank Eaton, teacher of mathematics in the Nova Scotia Normal School, Truro, Nova Scotia. The text includes the rudiments of trigonometry, navigation, mensuration, and dynamics, with the use of logarithms
Commentaires : The book was prescribed by the Council of Public Instruction for use in the schools of Nova Scotia. It was written by Frank Eaton, teacher of mathematics in the Nova Scotia Normal School, Truro, Nova Scotia from 1878 to 1899. The Provincial Normal School for the education of teachers was established by an act of the Legislature in the Nova Scotia House of assembly on March 31st, 1854. The Normal School opened in a wooden building on November 14, 1855, facing a street now named Prince Street, in Truro with sixty-four students. A new, larger building on the same site was opened on November 14, 1877. A Science building was constructed adjacent to the Normal School building and opened in 1901. The name of institution changed three times: in 1909 to the Provincial Normal College, in 1951 to Nova Scotia Normal College and in 1961 to the Nova Scotia Teachers College.
Longueur : 19
Largeur : 13
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Nombre d'objets : 1
Nombre de parties composantes : 1
Étiquette ou poinçon : On the page opposite the Preface the statement "Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year 1883, by D. H. Smith & Co. In the Office of the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa." D. H. Smith & Sons was a bookseller located at Truro, Nova Scotia. Eaton's preface bears the date and location "Heidelberg, October, 1883. He notes the critical and suggestive revisions by Alexander Mackay of the Halifax High School, who became Superintendent of Schools for Nova Scotia a few years later.
Établissement : Little White Schoolhouse Museum  Facebook-Little White Schoolhouse Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : Truro
Province de l'établissement : NS

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