

Nom de l'objet : Blouse
Catégorie de l'objet : Main garment
Matériaux : Fibre, silk
Numéro d'accession : Y2000.13.8
Description : A white long sleeved silk blouse with lace on the front and as trim on the collar and cuffs. The blouse has vertical stripes of lace alternating with pleats. A band of lace is placed 16cm from the cuff. The back hem has been cut with pinking shears. There are ties attached to the back of the blouse. It has a front closure with five snaps.
Longueur : 59 cm
Largeur : 57 cm
Établissement : Yarmouth County Museum  Facebook-Yarmouth County Museum  YouTube-Yarmouth County Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Yarmouth
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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