

Nom de l'objet : Toy
Catégorie de l'objet : Toys
Matériaux : Metal, tin
Numéro d'accession : Y2001.147.2
Description : Pull toy which consists of two green wheel like pieces that are attached to a red wooden dowel piece which in turn is attached to a grey tin ball that is split in the middle. From the middle of this protrudes a metal "Stick" and a piece of rope(string measures 175.5cm long), is attached as well (tied inside ball shapeon the dowel)
Longueur : 13 cm
Largeur : 8.5 cm
Établissement : Yarmouth County Museum  Facebook-Yarmouth County Museum  YouTube-Yarmouth County Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Yarmouth
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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