
Soap-Sunlight (In box)

Nom de l'objet : Soap-Sunlight (In box)
Type de l'objet : Laundry
Catégorie de l'objet : Laundry Equipment
Maintenance T&E
Matériaux : Cardboard
Numéro d'accession : Y2011.38A&B
Description : Dark Blue, yellow, red, light blue, black, white There is a yellow background on back of box, as well as on top in background and the colouring of the word Sunlight on 5 sides of the box, There is dark blue on the front top of the box behind the words Sunlight, as well as behind the words A Lever Product on top of box, There is dark blue also behind the words "Whatever your washing method..." and on bottom dark blue is lettering for "Playtime rubs dirt into their clothes". The top of box has lettering in black sitting on a light blue background. It begins with $5000 Reward for ... and "This fine,.. The word "Soap" on 4 sides of the box is in white. On the top the word "Soap" is on a red background. There is also red trim on 5 sides of box, and white on 6 sides. On the bottom is a drawing of clothes in white, light blue and dark blue, as well as a drawing of boys playing with red lines coming from the boys to what or where the dirt spots were.
Longueur : 7.2 cm
Largeur : 10.5 cm
Établissement : Yarmouth County Museum  Facebook-Yarmouth County Museum  YouTube-Yarmouth County Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Yarmouth
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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