

Image - Stereograph
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Keir Memorial Museum
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Nom de l'objet : Stereograph
Type de l'objet : Stereograph
Catégorie de l'objet : Communication Artefact
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : Documentary Artefact
Matériaux : Paper, Photographic Paper, Cardboard
Numéro d'accession : KM.87.08.04
Fabricant : Underwood & Underwood Publishers.
Date de début de production : 1905
Description : A Stereographic photograph of the Garden of Gethsemane and Mount of Olives, from the eastern wall, in Jerusalem.
Commentaires : Underwood & Underwood Publishers: Underwood & Underwood established itself in 1882 as a stereographic distributing company. The company was founded by two brothers, Elmer and Bert Underwood. They distributed stereographs for Charles Bierstadt, J.F. Jarvis and the Littleton View Company. In 1891 Bert learned how to operate a camera and thus the firm of Underwood & Underwood Publishing entered a new merchandising sphere. By 1897 the company had a number of full-time staff and free lance photographers. In the same year the Underwood's purchased the businesses of Jarvis; Bierstadt; and, William H. Rau. Underwood & Underwood were publishing twenty-five thousand stereographs a day by 1901. The firm still canvassed and sold its own stereographs. Around 1900 Underwood & Underwood introduced boxed sets, with specific themes such as education and religion, and travel sets depicting popular tourist areas of the world. By 1910 Underwood & Underwood had entered the field of news photography. Due to this expansion stereograph production was reduced until the early years of World War I. Altogether Underwood & Underwood produced between 30 000 and 40 000 stereographic titles. In 1920 stereograph production was discontinued and Underwood & underwood sold its stereographic stock and rights to the Keystone View Company. (Taken from: Darrah, William C. "The World of Stereographs." Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: William C. Darrah, 1977.)
Hauteur : 9
Longueur : 18
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Translittération de l'inscription : On the front:Underwood & Underwood Publishers / New York, London, Toronto Canada, Ottawa, Kansas / Works and Studios / Clarington, N.J. Westwood, N.J. / (33)-8987-Garden of Gethsemane and Mount of Olives, from the eastern wall, Jerusalem, Palestine, Copyright 1902 by Underwood & Underwood. On the back: We are standing by the eastern wall of the hill-top city and looking east across the valley to another hill - one of the hiss most famous on all this great, round earth - the Mount of Olives. The road at the left is the highway to Jericho - the very road the Master brought to his listeners' mind when he told the quibbling questioner that immortal story about the neighbourly relationship of one man to another (Luke x. 30) Tradition says it is the way take by David centuries farther back, when he retreated from Jerusalem (Samuel xv. 23). The two roads farther to the right both go to Bethany, where Lazarus and his sister lived many a time Jesus walked over those very paths. The lower road, farthest to the right, mat be the one over which he road only five days before the crucifixion (Matt. xxi. 1-12). The summit of the hill is believed to have been the place of his ascension (Luke xxiv. 50-51). Beyond the Mount of Olives, far away at the east, lie the lands of the Assyrian and Persian kings (the home of the Wise Men) and the vast region of central Asia. Behind us are the mountains, and then the blue stretches of the Mediterranean, and, beyond that, the western world, where his word and work took root and changed the whole course of civilization. But look down now, straight ahead, to that walled space, planted with olives and tall, dark cypress trees, the Garden of Gethsemane, in that very spot the Master went to pray, after the Last Supper. There he was seized by the Roman soldiers. (See Hurlbut's Traveling in the Holy Land, through the Stereoscope, also Forbush's Travel Lessons on the Life of Jesus and Travel Lessons on the Old Testament, published by Underwood & Underwood.) From Notes of Travel, No.31 Copyright 1905, by Underwood & Underwood. Garden of Gethsemane and Mount of Olives.
Établissement : Keir Memorial Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : Malpeque
Province de l'établissement : Prince Edward Island

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