

Image - Book
Pour © contacter :
Keir Memorial Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Book
Artiste ou artisan : Rev. John Brown, Rev. James W. Lee, Josiah L. Porter, Henry Cooke, Prof. Robert E.M. Bain.
Type de l'objet : Book
Catégorie de l'objet : Communication Artifacts
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : Documentary Artifacts
Discipline : material culture
Matériaux : Paper, cloth
Numéro d'accession : KM.09.01
Fabricant : J. Q. Adam and Co.
Culture : American
Date de fin de production : 1896
Commentaires : Volume 2 of 4. "Judges to Song of Solomon." First published in 1778, The Self-Interpreting Bible was John Brown's most significant work. Its purpose was to provide a commentary for ordinary people with no experience in interpreting complex scriptures. It included an introduction to the bible, reflections on verses, comparisons of scriptural statements, photos, and drawings. It also included material from the dictionary, and lessons in grammar, making it extremely useful for home teaching. Other Volumes are: 1: Genesis to Joshua; 3: Isaiah to Malachi; 4: New Testament. This copy was published in 1896. It continued to be published through to the 21st century. From the MacKay homestead.
Fonctions : This type of bible was used to help people understand its teachings, with both written explanations and pictures.
Hauteur : 30
Largeur : 24.3
Profondeur : 4
Établissement : Keir Memorial Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : Malpeque
Province de l'établissement : Prince Edward Island

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