

Nom de l'objet : Pail
Type de l'objet : Wooden
Catégorie de l'objet : Tools & Equipment for Materials
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : Agricultural Tools and Equipment
Matériaux : Wood
Numéro d'accession : ==1989.065
Description : Made of 10 slats of softwood which are tapered from top to bottom and held in place with a metal band 3/4 way from top and other at the base. Bands are overlapped and nailed at closure. Bottom is one rounded piece of softwood set in place 1 cm. from bottom of pail. Wire handle has a carved wooden handle grip and held in place on either side by a washer and loop. Painted red on outside.
Commentaires : One large wooden pail from the Estate of the late Rodney Drake Palmer Northrup, 1850 - 1908, the donor's grand father. Pail is dated at 1875 and purchased from Timothy Gamaliel Northrup, sometimes known as Barrel head, who was a carpenter and wheelwright. He also made wooden barrels and pails. Timothy Northrup had a house and shop at the foot of Bull Moose Hill, Kings County, New Brunswick. This pail was used for picking berries by the Northrup's wife, Mary.
Hauteur : 15.1
Diamètre extérieur : 20.7
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Établissement : Kings County Museum of New Brunswick  Facebook-Kings County Museum of New Brunswick  Twitter-Kings County Museum of New Brunswick  YouTube-Kings County Museum of New Brunswick
Ville de l'établissement : Hampton
Province de l'établissement : New Brunswick

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