

Nom de l'objet : organ
Numéro d'accession : M86.25.1
Fabricant : W. Bell Co.
Province d'origine : ontario
Pays d'origine : canada ?
Province d'utilisation : new brunswick
Pays d'utilisation : canada
Culture : canadian
Date de fin de production : 1890
Description : refer to notes in file. mrs. maclean obtained the organ from mr. ray mcnally (1887-1967) who lived directly across the road from her house. mr. mcnally grandmother mrs. etta clark mcnally was the original owner. she was married around 1885.
Fonctions : mrs. maclean obtained the organ from mr. ray mcnally (1887-1967) who lived directly across the road from her house. mr. mcnally grandmother mrs. etta clark mcnally was the original owner. she was married around 1885.
Hauteur : 0.00
Longueur : 0.00
Largeur : 0.00
Profondeur : 0.00
Diamètre extérieur : 0.00
Unité de mesure linéaire : in.
Étiquette ou poinçon : w. bell co. geulph, ont. .... on organ front pat'd feb 24, 1887 mouse proff pedal .... on pedal
Établissement : Kings Landing Historical Settlement  Facebook-Kings Landing Historical Settlement  Twitter-Kings Landing Historical Settlement 
Ville de l'établissement : Prince William
Province de l'établissement : New Brunswick

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