
booklet with sample cachets

Nom de l'objet : booklet with sample cachets
Artiste ou artisan : None
Classification de l'objet : Drugs, Non-Prescription -- instruction MM= Drug Packaging
Matériaux : paper: white
blue medicine: white metal: silver
Numéro d'accession : 000006007
Fabricant : Smith & Nephew Pharmaceuticals Limited
Date de fin de production : 1940
Date absolue : circa
Description : Four-page booklet and two pieces of medicine; a piece of medicine measures 3.2 cm in diameter and has a depth of 0.3 cm, and is a thin disc with a narrow rim like a hat; the booklet is one piece of paper printed in blue on both sides, folded in half along the vertical centre line; it is not certain whether the medicine is part of the original promotion kit.
Nombre de parties composantes : 1
Établissement : Museum of Health Care at Kingston  Facebook-Museum of Health Care at Kingston  Twitter-Museum of Health Care at Kingston  YouTube-Museum of Health Care at Kingston
Ville de l'établissement : Kingston
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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