
mullein leaves box

Nom de l'objet : mullein leaves box
Artiste ou artisan : None
Classification de l'objet : Plants, Medicinal Drugs, Non-Prescription MM= Drugs -- patent, proprietary, over-the-counter -- all-purpose cures -- container MM= Drug Packaging -- container -- box and packet
Matériaux : cardboard: beige
Numéro d'accession : 000006012
Fabricant : Murray & Nickell Mfg. Co.
Date de fin de production : None
Date absolue : circa
Description : Flat, almost square cardboard box, wrapped in plastic, that can be opened at the top and bottom; plaastic is held in place with translucent mending tape; box size originally 5.5 cm x 5.5 cm x 2.5 cm but box is now warped and bulging; box is full of material
Nombre de parties composantes : 1
Établissement : Museum of Health Care at Kingston  Facebook-Museum of Health Care at Kingston  Twitter-Museum of Health Care at Kingston  YouTube-Museum of Health Care at Kingston
Ville de l'établissement : Kingston
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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