

Nom de l'objet : book
Artiste ou artisan : None
Classification de l'objet : Chemistry Textbooks
Matériaux : grey
paper: brown
white leather: black
Numéro d'accession : 000006019
Fabricant : Bumpus & Griffin
Richard Griffin & Co.
Date de fin de production : 1831
Description : Book is bound in leather, with stitching and glue; the body text is 340 pages; paper is pasted on the front and back covers, leaving the corners and the area around the spine; on the spine, there are four raised horizontal lines to imitate cord binding, embossed and gilded ornamentation; the title on the spine is embossed on red background and gilded; the paper on the cover and the text block are decorated with a marbled pattern in blue, red and black; the leather is ruled along the edges of the paper.
Nombre de parties composantes : 1
Établissement : Museum of Health Care at Kingston  Facebook-Museum of Health Care at Kingston  Twitter-Museum of Health Care at Kingston  YouTube-Museum of Health Care at Kingston
Ville de l'établissement : Kingston
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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