
microscope slide

Nom de l'objet : microscope slide
Artiste ou artisan : None
Classification de l'objet : Pathology -- slides MM= Microscopy -- accessories and parts -- slide
Matériaux : glass: clear paper: white biological: purple
Numéro d'accession : 992074075
Date de fin de production : 1900
Date absolue : circa
Description : The slide is in slot 51; the slide is labelled with a white, square paper sticker on the same side as, and to the left of, the specimen and partially obscuring it, and another sticker is adhered to the reverse side of the slide; the slide has a purple, rectangular smear of specimen that covers most of the slide; no cover glass
Nombre de parties composantes : 1
Établissement : Museum of Health Care at Kingston  Facebook-Museum of Health Care at Kingston  Twitter-Museum of Health Care at Kingston  YouTube-Museum of Health Care at Kingston
Ville de l'établissement : Kingston
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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