

Image - QUILT Image - QUILT
Pour © contacter :
Doon Heritage Crossroads
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : QUILT
Type de l'objet : BEDDING
Classification de l'objet : FURNISHINGS
Matériaux : FIBRE, PLANT
Numéro d'accession : 977.061.006
Secteur géo-culturel : Ontario, Grey County, Neustadt
Description : Completed quilt top of Log Cabin type with arrangement of bars called 'Fence Rails.' Narrow border all around of floral printed cotton. Mostly printed cottons, a few woven checks. Most blocks pieced and joined by machine, a few by hand with a large basting stitch. Some rough joining which has resulted in puckering of fabric. Possible presence of rayon in fabrics (from burning tests) and some printed designs would set piece later than 1905 date supplied by donor, possibly as late as 1950s. One fabric has cardboard label with graphics typical of 1940s - 60s stuck on back. Also, machine stitching appears to have been done with more modern machine as stitches are larger and more regular than early 1900s machine stitching.

'The maker of this quilt was on holiday with her aunt, Elizabeth Gebherdt, in Neustadt, when this quilt top was begun. Its date of completion is probably later than 1905, perhaps as late as 1950. The textiles include some which may contain rayon, some with designs and cardboard labels typical of a later date. A few of the seventy two blocks are joined by basting but most are joined by machine. Perhaps the process of piecing was begun at the early date and continued over a long period, with the top assembled near mid-century. Whatever its history, the work, demurely borded with a mild beige, is a bold geometric display on an orthagonal grid, its simple structure given bigour by its powerful use of directional counterchange to creae the Fence Rail Pattern variation of the Strips Pattern block.' (Patterson)
190 x 194 cm
Commentaires : Quilt was made by Ivah Christine Hembling Eby while on vacation with Aunt Elizabeth Gebherdt in Neustadt.
Publications ou références : McKendry, Ruth. Quilts and Other Bed Coverings in the Canadian Tradition. (Toronto: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1979), p.214, pl.422.

Nancy-Lou Patterson (see Quilt files)
Établissement : Doon Heritage Crossroads  Facebook-Doon Heritage Crossroads  Twitter-Doon Heritage Crossroads  YouTube-Doon Heritage Crossroads
Ville de l'établissement : Kitchener
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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