
Pitcher, cream

Image - Pitcher, cream
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Bradley Museum
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Nom de l'objet : Pitcher, cream
Classification de l'objet : Outils et équipements, Alimentation
T&E Materials, Food T&E, Food Service T&E
Matériaux : ceramic
Numéro d'accession : C.20.67
Date de début de production : 1820
Date de fin de production : 1840
Description :
A copper lustre pitcher with a band of blue glaze around the centre and another near the rim. A floral leaf design in copper lustre has also been painted over the blue glaze. There is an elaborate scroll like handle and a narrow pouring spout that extends from the rim of the pitcher.;Cruche de faïence en cuivre avec une bande de lustre bleue autours du centre et un autre autours de la bordure. Un modèle de feuille de fleurs en cuivre et peinturé par dessus. Le lustre est bleu. Il y a une poignée en forme de S et un goulet pour verser dépasse de la bordure de la cruche.
Fonctions :

Accessioned 6 May 1967.

Lustreware is pottery with a metallic or iridescent sheen produced by adding metallic oxides to the glaze. The process may have been invented and was certainly first popularized by Islamic potters of the 9th century. Iranian and Egyptian, potters maintained a high standard of lustreware for centuries. In Europe it was manufactured chiefly in Spain and then in Italy it was used to enhance majolica. In the 19th century it came into vogue in England. John Hancock of Etruria, using silver and platinum oxide is credited as being one of the first in Britain to perfect a technique suitable for commercial production. The technique was used by Josiah Wedgwood and Josiah Spode in the Midlands, and at Sunderland in the North East. Wedgwood's lustreware made in the 1820s spawned the production of mass quantities of copper lusterware in England and Wales, and generated a huge export market. Its British heyday was in the first half of the 19th century when no fewer than 250 potteries in the Stoke area used lustre decoration. In America, copper lustreware became popular precisely because of its lustrousness and Americans truly valued pink lustreware. Apparently, as gaslights became available to the rich, the fad was to place groupings of lustreware on mirror platforms to be used as centerpieces for dinner parties. REF: and
Hauteur : 15.00
Largeur : 13.00
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Nombre de parties composantes : 1
Établissement : Bradley Museum  Facebook-Bradley Museum  Twitter-Bradley Museum  YouTube-Bradley Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Mississauga
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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