

Image - Print
Pour © contacter :
Bradley Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Print
Artiste ou artisan : Edwards Roit
Classification de l'objet : Communication Artifacts, Art"
"Artefacts de communication, Arts
Matériaux : pine, glass, paper, mat board, ink"
"pin, verre, papier, carton pour échantillons, encre
Numéro d'accession : Q.107.70
Fabricant : W Curtis, St George's Crescent, England
Date de début de production : 1791
Description : The hand coloured (watercolour) print of a flower (type of daisy) is mounted and framed. The flower is yellow and the stem and leaves are green. It is in a plain wooden frame (pine) with mitered corners. Clear glass covers the print. The bottom of the print reads, 'Edwards Roit' and 'Pub May 1791 by W Curtis St George's Crescent'. The top right hand corner reads 'n 156'.
Fonctions : Floral prints, such as this one, were popular forms of decoration in the nineteenth century. Many settlers took an interest in botany in order to discover new plants and their uses, often from the First Nations in the area. Interest in natural history o
Hauteur : 3.8
Longueur : 31.4
Largeur : 25.4
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Nombre de parties composantes : 4
Établissement : Bradley Museum  Facebook-Bradley Museum  Twitter-Bradley Museum  YouTube-Bradley Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Mississauga
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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