

Image - Chair
Pour © contacter :
Bradley Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Chair
Classification de l'objet : Ameublement, meubles
Furnishings, Furniture
Matériaux : bois
wood, paint
Numéro d'accession : F.24.67
Date de début de production : 1850
Date de fin de production : 1900
Description : A side chair with a heavy plank seat and round front corners. The back posts, front legs, and front stretchers are turned. Both the crest rail and the centre rail are shaped. The crest rail is attached to the front of the back posts. There are box stretchers that connect the legs. The chair is painted an ochre colour and is crudely comb grained. This does not appear to be the original paint. The chair has many layers of paint, however, red appears to be the original colour.
Fonctions : In Upper Canada, chair making was a common practice with chairs being made from any suitable wood available. Chairs were all homemade in the first half of the nineteenth century. See: Jeanne Minhinnick "At Home in Upper Canada" (Toronto: Clarke, Irwin and Co., 1970), 177-195.
Hauteur : 81.30
Longueur : 35.60
Largeur : 35.60
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Nombre de parties composantes : 1
Établissement : Bradley Museum  Facebook-Bradley Museum  Twitter-Bradley Museum  YouTube-Bradley Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Mississauga
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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