

Image - Quilt
Pour © contacter :
Bradley Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Quilt
Classification de l'objet : Furnishings, Bedding"
"Ameublement, literie
Matériaux : wool, silk, velvet, satin"
"laine, soie, velours, satin
Numéro d'accession : X964.3.1
Date de début de production : 1893
Date de fin de production : 1889
Description : A pieced crazy quilt backed with fine red wool. The quilt is edged with a ball fringe. The face of the quilt consists of large blocks of irregular pieces of fine dress silks, satins, velvets, etc., sewn together with a variety of fancy embroidery stitches in multicoloured embroidery threads. A few pieces of plain fabrics are embroidered with different designs such as leaves, flowers, a cross, etc. Dates and names are embroidered on the quilt such as '1889, 1893' and 'Appleby, Lille, Alice C.
Fonctions : The term _Crazy Quilts_ refers to a type of patchwork quilt that made use of odd shaped pieces of material combined in a random or seemingly random way. Crazy quilting initially became popular after the Centennial Exposition of 1876 in which Japanese art was showcased with crazing which gives a broken appearance to the object's glaze. This inspired many women to create asymmetrical and haphazard looking designs in their quilts. This style of quilt used many exotic pieces of fabric including velvet, satin, tulle, or silk and embellishments such as embroidery, lace, beads and buttons. Crazy Quilts were most popular in the late 1880's but continued to be made into the 1920's. See
Longueur : 186.7
Largeur : 186.7
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Nombre de parties composantes : 1
Établissement : Bradley Museum  Facebook-Bradley Museum  Twitter-Bradley Museum  YouTube-Bradley Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Mississauga
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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