

Image - Photograph
Pour © contacter :
Canadian SKI Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Photograph
Titre : The wooden ski jump at Rockcliffe Park
Matériaux : photographic material
Numéro d'accession :
Date absolue : 1914 circa
Description : A jumper standing on intermediate take-off at the Rockcliffe Park ski jump (Ottawa, Ontario). This steep slope was once known as Suicide Hill for good reason, especially to those unfamiliar with the sport of jumping on skis. In the early years of the 20thCentury, the slope attracted the attention of a small group of enthusiasts as a potentially safe landing area to allow them to indulge their passion for jumping as far and as high as gravity would permit. At the top of Suicide Hill, the group would build a take-off ramp, at first of snow but later, as skills improved and more height and distance were needed, of easily constructed ramps of cordwood. The public was fascinated by the sport. On those weekends when jumping practice was possible, hundreds of spectators assembled to watch and on at least one occasion the crowd was estimated to be 5,000.
Longueur : 19.00
Largeur : 24.00
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Établissement : Canadian SKI Museum  Facebook-Canadian SKI Museum  Twitter-Canadian SKI Museum  YouTube-Canadian SKI Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Ottawa
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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