

Image - book
Pour © contacter :
St. Marys Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : book
Artiste ou artisan : A. H. Howard
Type de l'objet : commemorative
Classification de l'objet : book
Catégorie de l'objet : communication artifacts
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : documentary artifact
Matériaux : gilt
Technique de fabrication : bound
hand drawn
Numéro d'accession : 1980.1.2
Province d'origine : Ontario
Pays d'origine : Canada
Date de fin de production : 09/07/1889
Description : This is a brown leather bound book. The front cover of the book has the title imprinted in gold letters: "MISS E. L. CLENCH/ FROM THE CITIZENS/ OF ST. MARYS ONT." Around the edge of the front cover are the imprint of twenty-four flowers of two different designs. The back cover is completely blank. The book has five pages, containing the text of an address from the Town of St. Marys Citizens to Nora Clench. The pages have gilt on the edge.
Fonctions : The people of St. Marys were very proud of Nora Clench and her accomplishments. When she returned from her long period of study in Leipzig, Germany, there was a grand reception for her in the St. Marys Opera House. Dr. J. H. Mathieson, a family friend, was the chairman of the Reception Committee. He read an address of appreciation and presented a leather-bound copy of the text to the young musician. The Reception Committee had commissioned A. H. Howard, a member of the Royal Canadian Academy, to design and decorate the pages of the text.
Hauteur : 25.00
Largeur : 27.00
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Nombre d'objets : 1
Mention de crédit - Image : St. Marys Museum  Facebook-St. Marys Museum 
Établissement : St. Marys Museum  Facebook-St. Marys Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : St. Marys
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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