
Pair of Boots

Image - Pair of Boots
Pour © contacter :
Bata Shoe Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Pair of Boots
Catégorie de l'objet : Footwear
Numéro d'accession : P00.0076.AB
Culture : Northern Saami
Secteur géo-culturel : Europe, Norway, Kautokeino
Date de début de production : 1990
Description : Brown and cream coloured reindeer leg skin boot.
Reindeer leg skin sole has an insole seam with the hair on the front piece flowing towards the back and the ahir on the back piece flows forward for extra traction. The front and back pieces are cut from white-haired reindeer leg skins, a middle piece - 3rd piece - is added at the insole for extra length. Toe curls up into a long, narrow, three-quarter curl.
The tip of the curl is sewn so the seam allowance is visible on the outside at the tip.
Side strip extends from the side-heel to just before the toe begins to curl.
Heel is cut from skin with contrasting coloured hair. Heel piece is narrow.
The vamp extends from the toe to a separate piece inserted at the top.
The side panel or leg section hair is cropped to reduce the amount of bulk under the boot straps.
The boot is attached with boot straps with a loop sewn into each vamp seam at the ankle. Loops are made by twisting a narrow strip of barked skin.
Établissement : Bata Shoe Museum  Facebook-Bata Shoe Museum  Twitter-Bata Shoe Museum  YouTube-Bata Shoe Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Toronto
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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