

Nom de l'objet : Basket
Catégorie de l'objet : BASKETRY - Birch Bark
Matériaux : Birch Bark
Analine Dyes
Spruce Root
Native-Tanned Moose Hide (Leather)
Natural Dyes ?
Numéro d'accession : 138.00
Culture : Aboriginal
Description : Birch bark basket and lid; rectangular base with flaring, slightly rounded sides; rim is oblong in outline; basket constructed from single piece of birch bark; sides folded up and sewn together with peeled, split spruce root; vertical seam at each corner; bent wood rim attached to sides with spruce root; top edge of sides perforated with staggered row of holes through which spruce root is threaded and wrapped around rim in close stitches; bands of dyed (using natural and/or analine dyes), flattened porcupine quills wrapped at midpoint of each side and at each corner; quills are natural white colour and dyed blue and orange; flat, oblong lid attached to basket with strips of native-tanned moose hide threaded through holes at midpoint of all four sides on basket and lid and knotted; bent wood slat rim attached to circumference of lid and wrapped with natural dyed and un-dyed spruce root; alternating reddish brown, dark brown and medium brown bands of spruce root; top of lid embroidered with spruce root; central floral and star motif; row of herringbone stitch on either side of central motif; stitches visible on inside of lid.Western Subarctic.
Hauteur : 22,50
Longueur : 30,00
Largeur : 25,00
Nombre d'objets : 1
Nombre de parties composantes : 2
Nom des parties composantes : basket and lid
Département : Artifact
Établissement : Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library  Facebook-Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library  Twitter-Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library  YouTube-Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library
Ville de l'établissement : Winnipeg
Province de l'établissement : Manitoba

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