
Religious, Ceremonial Garment

Nom de l'objet : Religious, Ceremonial Garment
Catégorie de l'objet : WEAVING
Matériaux : cotton
Numéro d'accession : 146.01
Culture : African - Nigerian
Description : .01 Chief's ceremonial robe with scoop/ V neck and slits for arms both are embroidered with 4 bands and 3 medallions which resemble Celtic endless knot design. Designed on back of neck, tab for hanging inside neck. Hand weaving, sewing, dyeing, embroidery. .02 Pair of short wide pants hand dyed with indigo, hand woven and sewn. Solid blue waist. Band 7.7 cm with drawstring. .03 Cotton hat with round top and points on two sides. Part of Yoruba chieftains robes, dyed with indigo woven into stripes and hand sewn. 40 cm at points
Longueur : 108.00
Largeur : 257.00
Nombre d'objets : 1
Nombre de parties composantes : 3
Nom des parties composantes : Robe, Pants, Hat
Département : Artifact
Établissement : Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library  Facebook-Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library  Twitter-Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library  YouTube-Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library
Ville de l'établissement : Winnipeg
Province de l'établissement : Manitoba

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