
children's book

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Pour © contacter :
Bell Island Miner's Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : children's book
Titre : The Treasury Readers Book Six
Artiste ou artisan : Pierce, Lorne
Classification de l'objet : man-made artefact
Catégorie de l'objet : educational materials
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : literature
Discipline : young childhood education, local history, material culture
Matériaux : ink
Technique de fabrication : printed
Numéro d'accession : Noaccession06
Fabricant : Ryerson Press: The Macmillan's in Canada
Province d'origine : Ontario
Pays d'origine : Canada
Continent d'origine : North America
Province d'utilisation : Newfoundland and Labrador
Pays d'utilisation : Canada
Culture : Canadian
Contexte culturel : education
Date de début de production : late 1940's
Date de fin de production : early 1950's
Période : mid 20th century
Description : The cover of the Treasury Readers Book Six is all blue, and has the words "The Treasury Readers Book Six" printed on the front cover in gold coloured ink. An image of a camel and rider has been outlined in black, with a gold coloured background. Black lines have also been printed, in a border-like design, around the text and image. The inside of the front cover has a man riding a unicorn and a floral design, printed in blue ink. St. Edward's Elementary has been written on the inside cover in green ink and St. Edwards Elementary - Bell Island has been stamped on it in purple ink. The rest of the book is comprised of stories, done in black ink, and some colour pictures.
Commentaires : Sister Theresa March, a teacher stationed at St. Edward's Convent on Bell Island, used this book as a text book in St. Edward's Academy. When Sister Theresa moved to a community on the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland, however, she took this book with her, and later donated it to the Museum at Wiltondale Pioneer Village. The Museum at Wiltondale Pioneer Village has since closed though, but after they closed, they donated the book to the Bell Island Miner's Museum.
Fonctions : Used in St. Edward's Elementary as a reader for young children.
Hauteur : 19.1
Largeur : 13.8
Profondeur : 2.8
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Nombre d'objets : 1
Nombre de parties composantes : 1
Nom des parties composantes : book
Étiquette ou poinçon : St. Edward's Elementary - Bell Island has been stamped in purple ink repeatedly on the inside of the front cover.
Sujet ou image : educational materials
children's literature
Translittération de l'inscription : St. Edward's Elementary - Bell Island
Établissement : Bell Island Miner's Museum  Facebook-Bell Island Miner's Museum  Twitter-Bell Island Miner's Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : Wabana
Province de l'établissement : Newfoundland & Labrador

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