
Print, Photographic

Image - Print, Photographic
Pour © contacter :
Ireland House at Oakridge Farm
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Print, Photographic
Classification de l'objet : Archival
Catégorie de l'objet : Documentary Artifact
Discipline : Local History
Numéro d'accession : X2007.2.29
Nom de la collection : Ireland House Museum
Date de début de production : 1930
Date de fin de production : 1940
Description : A black and white photograph of nine women and two children outside a house. The woman standing the front wearing a dark printed dress is Fanny (Kit) Ireland Booth. The other women are unidentified. There is a large bush on the proper right of the group of women; behind them is white detail on the front porch of the house. The photograph has a white border and the edges of the paper are cut using a scalloped cutter.
Fonctions : Fanny Clarissa Ireland was born on 17 September 1880 in Ireland House to John and Eliza Ireland. Fanny, also known as Kit, married Frank Dudley Booth on 14 September 1910 at St. John's Anglican Church. They lived in Lucan, Ontario until Frank passed away on 16 September 1935. Frank had been the manager of a creamery in Lucan.

Fanny rarely lived in her house after her husband passed away. She stayed with various sisters and brothers helping with sewing, caring for the ill, and keeping the house for her brothers. Fanny passed away on 24 January 1970.
Unité de mesure linéaire : CM
Hauteur de l'image : 3" x 5
Événements, lieux, personnes : Canada
Fanny Clarissa Ireland
Département : PHOTOS
Établissement : Ireland House at Oakridge Farm 
Ville de l'établissement : Burlington
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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