

Nom de l'objet : print
Catégorie de l'objet : Moyens de communication
Communication Artifacts
Numéro de catalogue : FX.82.30.1
Numéro d'accession : FX.82.30.1
Description : Print-"bony at a stand",framed; "Bony at a stand" or "The Corsican Trant Stagger'd at the prospect of Great Britian in Arms" design'd by P.F. Mitchell, London. Published by Roberts, 25 middle row, HolliamDark wood frame; ordinary glass; 2 brass rings stapled to top of back to hang picture.Picture of Naplean and devil in French surveying English forces in Great Britian; ships in channel.-Copper etching; original hand colour.-Dialogue between Napolean and devil with Napolean seated at side of G.B.'s forces and devil urging him on - war propaganda.-Framed by Ken Gosling, Cornwall, 1982
Hauteur : 1.6
Longueur : 27.7
Largeur : 52.1
Nombre d'objets : 1
Établissement : Parcs Canada
Parks Canada
Ville de l'établissement : Ottawa
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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