
Plane, modeling

Nom de l'objet : Plane, modeling
Catégorie de l'objet : Woodworking T&E
Tools & Equipment for material
Matériaux : aluminum
Numéro d'accession : 2016.003.052a-d
Date de début de production : 1933-01-01
Date de fin de production : 1940-12-31
Description : Model airplane with an elastic motor. the plane's body is skinny, silver and aluminum. The tail is paper. It has small black wheels and a black propeller. The wings are paper and grey, and they're detachable. There is a spare wooden propeller. The box is blue with pictures of the plane, logo and descriptions. This model is a FROG Mark IV Interceptor Fighter. Inside there is a handle and device designed to quickly wind up the plane. It gives directions on how often to lubricate the plane. There are also two bottles for lubrication, described separately - 2016.003.052e, f
Commentaires : One day Raymond Smyth gave John Skinner a model airplane. Raymond had owned it for a few years and decided that John would like it. The plane could fly powered by a wind up rubber band. It could be launched by hand and circle a one acre field. When it crashed the wheels and wings would separate from the fuselage unbroken. The plane was made by the English company "Frog". John always wanted to fly. When he was young, there were not many airplanes in the sky over the Annapolis Valley. If John heard one he would search the sky for it. Then he would watch it until it was a dot like a bee and disappear. John would have liked to be a pilot. He did not have the chance but joined the air force just the same and became an air gunner. On the last night of their training the Lancaster crashed. The pilot and all the crew died.
Fonctions : Used by Raymond Smyth, who gave it to John Skinner as a gift.
Longueur : 23.5 cm
Largeur : 10.3 cm
Établissement : Kings County Museum of Nova Scotia  Facebook-Kings County Museum of Nova Scotia  Twitter-Kings County Museum of Nova Scotia 
Ville de l'établissement : Kentville
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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