

Nom de l'objet : Dickie
Type de l'objet : Ladies
Catégorie de l'objet : Clothing
Personal artifact
Matériaux : cotton
Numéro d'accession : 94.132.1
Date de début de production : 1900-01-01
Date de fin de production : 1930-12-31
Description : Dickie: A plain fine net with a vertical center panel with 0.5" wide lace down the center, and across the bottom. There's a 4.5" wide ruffle attached to either side of the lace piece. The side and bottom of the ruffle is trimmed with identical lace trim. The cotton ties are 13.5" long, and these ties are narrow tape.
Fonctions : Found in small trunk (94.128.1) from Acadia, possibly donated by Maria grant, former Dean of Women at Acadia.
Longueur : 31 cm
Largeur : 20 cm
Établissement : Kings County Museum of Nova Scotia  Facebook-Kings County Museum of Nova Scotia  Twitter-Kings County Museum of Nova Scotia 
Ville de l'établissement : Kentville
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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