
Side dish, vegetable

Nom de l'objet : Side dish, vegetable
Catégorie de l'objet : Food Service T&E
Tools & Equipment for material
Matériaux : China
Numéro d'accession : 999.061.001
Date de début de production : 1868-01-01
Date de fin de production : 1928-12-31
Description : Circular china dish with divider in the middle. White with red border and logo at one end that reads "American House, Kentville, J. McIntosh".
Fonctions : Dish was purchased by Marie Bishop's grandfather (Frederick Ezekiel Bishop, 1868-1937) at the closing of the American House in 1928. His wife Edith Bishop passes the dish along to her daughter-in-law Gertrude Hiltz Bishop (1906-) in 1937, who, in turn, gave it to her daughter Marie.
Hauteur : 3.5 cm
Longueur : 19.5 cm
Établissement : Kings County Museum of Nova Scotia  Facebook-Kings County Museum of Nova Scotia  Twitter-Kings County Museum of Nova Scotia 
Ville de l'établissement : Kentville
Province de l'établissement : Nova Scotia

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