
Clipping, Newspaper

Image - Clipping, Newspaper
Pour © contacter :
Museums of Mississauga
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Nom de l'objet : Clipping, Newspaper
Titre : Between You and Me
Numéro d'accession : BR2011.9.176
Date absolue : 1953
Description : A newspaper clipping from Toronto's "The Telegram" dated Thursday, August 6, 1953. Columnist Margaret Aitken talks about an embarrassing moment when a woman's elastic waistband snapped and her nylons pooled at her ankles; beauty aids; the death of "A Pioneer", Florence Livesay, and her biographical history.
Fonctions : Florence Randal Livesay (1874-1953) was a poet and novelist. Born in Compton Quebec, she was the daughter of Stephen and Mary Louisa Randal. During the early years of her career she worked for the Evening Journal in Ottawa as an editor of the Woman's Page. She also spent one year in 1902 teaching children at Boer Concentration Camps and continued to write articles for Canadian newspapers describing life of Post Boer war. After her return to Canada she worked for the Winnipeg Telegram and later the Manitoba Free Press working as the editor of the Children's Department. Florence married John Frederick Bligh Livesay in 1908 and together they had two daughters, Dorothy Livesay (1909- 1996) considered one of the leading Canadian poets of the twentieth century and Sophie Livesay (1912-1991) who was a renowned artist. Florence was well known for her many translations of verse from Ukrainian to English and contributing many poems, short stories and articles to various Canadian and American magazines. The family later moved to Clarkson and remained long life friends with the Harrises of Benares. (Some information obtained from 'The Celebration of Women Writers'
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Ville de l'établissement : Mississauga
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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