

Image - Newspaper
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Museums of Mississauga
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Nom de l'objet : Newspaper
Titre : Party Line Weekly News Aug. 13, 1959
Numéro d'accession : BR2009.20.55
Date de début de production : 1959
Description : A 6 page copy of the Party Line Weekly Newspaper for Aug. 13, 1959. The front page article is "Trouble in My Township_. The article by Mary Fix, the Reeve of Toronto Township, deals with the problem of the School Budget proposed by the Board of Education. The Toronto Township Council felt that the budget was excessive and would not pass it without a review. The school board felt that any reduction in the budget would mean a reduction in educational standards. The law at the time said that if the School Board stood firm and refused discussion the Council must pass the by- law. Ontario Mayors and Reeves felt that this was absurd and proposed going before the Ontario cabinet to seek relief from such a situation.
Fonctions : Mary Fix (1896-1972) wrote many articles and submitted to various local newspapers. This particular article first appeared in a montly publication called the 'The Bulletin' which was produced by the Bay-Bloor-Yonge Association. It was later reprinted in the Party Line. Mary entered into politics locally in 1953 becoming the area's first woman politician. She held many positions and was instrumental in guiding the development and growth of Toronto Township which is now known as Mississauga. She held the position of Reeve for the years 1955, 1957, 1958 and 1961. Mary became Peel County's first female Warden in 1959. Aside from politics, Mary was interested in many aspects of the community. She was a member of the Victorian Order of Nurses, the Mississauga Library Board, a founding member of the Toronto Township Historical Society (today the Mississauga Heritage Foundation), and helped to create the Bradley Museum. The Party Line was a Weekly Digest Newspaper published in the Clarkson area but focused on news and stories relating to all of Toronto Township.
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Ville de l'établissement : Mississauga
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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