

Image - Photograph
Pour © contacter :
Museums of Mississauga
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Photograph
Médium : Photographic Emulsion/Photographic Paper/Ink
Numéro d'accession : BR2013.8.215
Date de début de production : 1980
Date absolue : 07/21/1980
Description : A black and white glossy photograph showing the back of a Pacific Western airplane. A flat bed truck is seen parked behind the plane where it loaded a piece of cargo. Two of the airplane propellers are also seen. The back of the plane is marked with the letters 'C-GHPW'. The back of the photograph is stamped in blue ink and reads atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Sheridan Park Date Jul 21 1980 Photo No. 69 Proj. NO. 86-31110'.;;The image of the photograph does not fill the entire paper and so a white border remains around the image.
Fonctions : Photograph kept by James Herbert Scott who worked at Atomic Energy of Canada. Bert worked at AECL after he was let go from Orenda Engines after the Avro Arrow project was cancelled by the Canadian government. Bert worked at AECL until his retirement in 1988. He later worked in the AECL nuclear plant division located at Sheridan Park in Mississauga working in the development laboratory and was involved with shipments done in South America. He later worked procurement.
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Ville de l'établissement : Mississauga
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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