
Clothing, Doll

Image - Clothing, Doll
Pour © contacter :
Museums of Mississauga
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Clothing, Doll
Matériaux : lawn
Numéro d'accession : BR2007.4.17
Date de début de production : 1935
Date de fin de production : 1945
Description : A pink and yellow sheer lawn hat. Fabric is starched. The crown of the hat is yellow; the wide pink rim narrows to 3 cm at the front and 1 cm at the back. The seam at the back is torn for 2 cm between the rim and the crown. The hat is commercially made.
Fonctions : Margaret Miller (n‚e Martin) has lived in Mississauga since 1970 on Fellmore Drive. She now resides at a Seniors Home in Meadowvale. Mrs. Miller was born in Toronto in 1930. Her parents, John William Martin (d. 1972) and Beatrice May n‚e Gledhill (d. 1988) both emigrated from England. They met while working in a woollen mill in St. Thomas, Ontario. They moved to Salem Avenue in the 'Annex' area of Toronto and had two daughters, Dorothy (1923-2005) and Margaret. The dolls donated belonged to Margaret, although a few were originally her sister's. Most of the clothing was made by her sister, Dorothy, or had been given to them. Margaret attended Teachers College and worked as a teacher for a number of years in North York. She later worked as a receptionist for the Ontario Government for close to 25 years. She married George 'Vernon' Miller (1928-1982) in 1965.Dorothy Jeffries n‚e Martin (1923-2005) worked as a missionary in the Philippines during the 1950s, which unfortunately led to her contracting many tropical diseases, including malaria. She trained many of the younger missionaries on how to look after children and the families. The dolls that Margaret has donated are typical of dolls available across Canada, including Mississauga.
Longueur : 16.0000000000
Largeur : 10.5000000000
Établissement : Museums of Mississauga  Facebook-Museums of Mississauga  Twitter-Museums of Mississauga  YouTube-Museums of Mississauga
Ville de l'établissement : Mississauga
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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