

Image - Book
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Museums of Mississauga
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Nom de l'objet : Book
Titre : The Poems, Sacred, Passionate, and Humorous of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Médium : paper, paperboard, ink, linen
Height: 3cm
Length: 23cm
Width: 15cm
Numéro d'accession : BR2007.1.37
Date de début de production : 1844
Description : A hard-cover book of 331 pages by Nathaniel Parker Willis. The cover is green, linen-covered, impressed back and front with a filigree motif, the front in gold ink. The spine has an overall filigree design similarly marked, plus the short title: "Willis's Poems". The flyleaves and pastedowns are printed overall with a green and red four-pointed star design. The contents lists the poems in categories: 34 under Sacred Poems, and 58 under Miscellaneous Poems. The pages have a wide margin and the text is enclosed in a double line margin. The first Bible-based poems are mostly unrhymed, prose-like. The last entry "The Lady Jane" is a humorous novel in rhyme" (pp 263-331) - the Canto I has 100 verses, Canto II has 100 as well, followed by a 3 verse note to the reader. At the top proper right of the reverse of the first end leaf contains characters that are legible to read.
Fonctions : The author, Nathaniel Parker Willis (January 20, 1806 to January 20, 1867) was an American from a distinguished Puritan family. This book is said to be the best edition of his poetic writing.
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Ville de l'établissement : Mississauga
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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