
Card, Business

Image - Card, Business
Pour © contacter :
Museums of Mississauga
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Card, Business
Titre : Eleanor S. Blake, R.D.M.R
Numéro d'accession : BR2009.20.90
Date de début de production : 1965
Date de fin de production : 1967
Description : White cardstock printed blue with hand written presentation note on the reverse. Business Card for Eleanor S. Blake, R.D.M.R. - Co-ordinator - Township of Toronto - Centennial Office". The Centennial logo; a stylized maple leaf with ;"1867", "1967" at the top (p.) right corner. Handwritten in blue ink on lower (p.) left corner is "over". Handwritten in blue ink on reverse is: "Eleanor - thought you might like to have this to add to your collection! Mary Beattie".
Fonctions : Eleanor Blake was a township director for youth's and women's programs and later worked as a coordinator for the township's centennial office. Later in her career she was a coordinator for the Park Royals Community Association. The Township of Toronto, along with may communities across Canada celebrated the Centennial Year of Canada in 1967 by organizing a wide variety of activities, programs and events. In Toronto Township Huron Park Recreation Centre was open along with the newly restored Bradley Museum.
Établissement : Museums of Mississauga  Facebook-Museums of Mississauga  Twitter-Museums of Mississauga  YouTube-Museums of Mississauga
Ville de l'établissement : Mississauga
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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