
Stamp, Marking

Image - Stamp, Marking
Pour © contacter :
Museums of Mississauga
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Stamp, Marking
Matériaux : Gutta Percha
Numéro d'accession : BE2009.5.25
Pays d'origine : Europe, England
Date de début de production : 1825
Date de fin de production : 1900
Description : A rectangular shaped gutta percha personal seal with angled corners. A centre portion of the seal is raised and has two symbols, one an eye with a raised eyebrow and the other an x with dots in the angles. Below the symbol in script are the letters _nruter_, which spell the word return when read in reverse.
Fonctions : Stones were widely used in the production of seals, carved dies or stamps to mark documents. Usually the stones were semiprecious such as agate, carnelian or sardonyx and were made into signet rings. The use of seals goes back to ancient times and was used by the Greeks, Romans, Babylonians and Chinese. The popularity of seals declined after the Roman Empire but made a come back in the 12th. They were in use regularly until the 18th century but are still used by many heads of church and state and various dignitaries today. Information from: and, Oct. 2009.
Établissement : Museums of Mississauga  Facebook-Museums of Mississauga  Twitter-Museums of Mississauga  YouTube-Museums of Mississauga
Ville de l'établissement : Mississauga
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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