

Image - sharpener Image - sharpener Image - sharpener
Pour © contacter :
Milltown-Head Bay d'Espoir Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : sharpener
Type de l'objet : razor
Classification de l'objet : man-made artefact
Catégorie de l'objet : personal artefacts
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : toilet article
Discipline : anthropology
material culture
Matériaux : ink
paper, wood
metal ?
Technique de fabrication : moulded
Numéro de catalogue : DMHB2004.24.6
Fabricant : Home Specialties Mfg. Co.
Marque de fabrique : Wizard
Province d'origine : Ontario
Pays d'origine : Canada
Continent d'origine : North America
Province d'utilisation : Newfoundland and Labrador
Pays d'utilisation : Canada
Culture : Canadian
Secteur géo-culturel : North American
Contexte culturel : personal grooming
Date de début de production : 1939 ?
Date de fin de production : 1945 ?
Période : first half of 20th century
Description : The razor sharpener is a small, rectangular metal object, with a slightly domed top. The box is made of black cardboard, with printed paper glued on the outside of the lid and on the inner bottom. The paper on the lid lists the brand and manufacturer, while the paper on the bottom of the box provides instructions for using the razor sharpener.
Commentaires : This sharpener was donated by Enid Starr. To operate it, one would wet the razor blade, place it in the sharpener, and move the blade back and forth, using finger pressure to ensure the blade maintained good contact with the sharpener. During both world wars, metal was in high demand for producing items like aircraft and weapons. The public was encouraged to do their part to help the war effort by reducing their consumption of metal goods, along with saving scrap metal. This razor sharpener appealed to those wishing to join this effort, allowing a man to get a longer life out of his razor blade.
Fonctions : This artefact was used for sharpening razors.
Hauteur : 3.3 (box with lid); 1.8 (sharpener)
Longueur : 8.5 (box with lid); 7.6 (sharpener)
Largeur : 6.2 (box with lid); 5 (sharpener)
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Nombre d'objets : 1
Nombre de parties composantes : 3
Nom des parties composantes : razor sharpener
Objets associés : also see DMHB2004.24.7a-f
Étiquette ou poinçon : 25 Cents
Home Specialties Mfg. Co. Overbrook Ont.
[on box lid] The Wizard Razor Blade Sharpener
[on inside of box] The Wizard Razor Blade Sharpener Directions: Wet Blade, place it in the "Wizard Blade Sharpener" then with moderate pressure close to the edge of the blade, move the blade in a back and forth motion. ...[illegible] then shift finger over to the other ...[illegible], reverse the blade and carry out ... [illegible] operations. For best results keep pressure on the blade close to the cutting edge
Save Blades and Money thereby helping our War Effort
Patent Pending No. 499239
Établissement : Milltown-Head Bay d'Espoir Museum  Facebook-Milltown-Head Bay d'Espoir Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : Milltown-Head Bay d'Espoir
Province de l'établissement : Newfoundland and Labrador

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