

Image - Footwear Image - Footwear Image - Footwear
Pour © contacter :
Bathurst Heritage Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Footwear
Artiste ou artisan : Kaufman
Type de l'objet : Overshoes
Matériaux : Nylon, rubber, flannel
Numéro d'accession : BM-MI-0339
Province d'origine : Ontario
Pays d'origine : Canada
Province d'utilisation : New Brunswick
Pays d'utilisation : Canada
Description : High heeled brown ankle overshoes. Rubber sole. The material for the overshoes is nylon lined with a yellow flannel-like material. Decorative V-shaped flap opens to put on the overshoe Two buttons are attached to the sides of the flap elastic loop that serves to close the flap. The flap is brown with shiny gold thin strips.
Commentaires : These overshoes were for sale at Fransblow's store on King Avenue in Bathurst, N.B. Sometime in the 1940's surplus stock was donated to the Knights of Columbus of Holy Family Church . The K of C held a sale in the church hall, the proceeds going to their benevolent causes. The donor, Florence Ross, bought them at that sale.
Fonctions : These overshoes were never worn.
Hauteur : 20 cm
Longueur : 24 cm
Largeur : 7.5 cm
Établissement : Bathurst Heritage Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : Bathurst
Province de l'établissement : New Brunswick

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