

Image - Book
Pour © contacter :
Bideford Parsonage Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Book
Catégorie de l'objet : Communication Artefacts
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : Documentary Artefact
Matériaux : Cardboard, paper, fabric
Numéro d'accession : BPM.08.2126
Description : Hardcover book has an image of the 'Last Supper' in brown at top, below a group of weapons; letters have faded off brown saying "BEAUTIFUL STORIES ABOUT JESUS", Images of crosses at lower left corner, image of cross and sunrise with "A GALLERY/ OF PHOTOGRAPHS/ OF THE WORLDS GREATEST/ PAINTINGS." Spine has faded writing at top then "FARRAR'S/ STANDARD/ LIFE OF/ CHRIST" more writing at bottom illegible; plain back; 732 pages; Published by: The Bible House
Commentaires : This hardcover book is on display in the parlour of the Bideford Parsonage Museum. The Bideford Parsonage Museum was originally the private residence of Thomas H. Pope, Accountant and Telegraph Operator and was constructed in 1878 for Mr. Pope and his wife, Susan Elizabeth (Eliza) Yeo. In the Summer of 1884, the house was purchased by the Methodist Church for use as their Parsonage and was home to many parsons and their families over the years. Author Lucy Maud Montgomery was only 19 when she came here in August of 1894, to board with the Reverend John F. and Mrs. Ada Estey, while in her first teaching position at the nearby Bideford No. 6 School. She would board here until May of 1895.
Hauteur : 22
Longueur : 15
Largeur : 4
Translittération de l'inscription : BEAUTIFUL STORIES ABOUT JESUS", Images of crosses at lower left corner, image of cross and sunrise with "A GALLERY/ OF PHOTOGRAPHS/ OF THE WORLDS GREATEST/ PAINTINGS." Spine has faded writing at top then "FARRAR'S/ STANDARD/ LIFE OF/ CHRIST
Établissement : Bideford Parsonage Museum  Facebook-Bideford Parsonage Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : Bideford
Province de l'établissement : Prince Edward Island

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