
book cover

Image - book cover
Pour © contacter :
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : book cover
Titre : Fragment of a Cover for a Buddhist Sutra
Artiste ou artisan : Unknown
Type de l'objet : fragment
Matériaux : wood
Technique de fabrication : carved
Numéro d'accession : 1993.052.006
Culture : Tibetan
Période : 18th - 19th century
Description : This elaborately carved book cover shows the great esteem held by the Tibetans for their sacred scriptures. Although badly damaged this portion of the book cover shows a decorative niche with a Buddha. The niche is called "arch of glory". At the top is Garuda, a horned part-bird, part-human vehicle of the Hindu god, Vishnu. It became a popular emblem in Tibet among both the Bon and Buddhist religions as a sky god. He is looked upon as a bringer of rain and a protector against poisoned water and snake bites. Garuda is the arch-enemy of snakes (nagas) and is often shown holding a snake in its beak. Beside this niche are a number of tiny carved Buddhas
Hauteur : 17.5
Largeur : 35.7
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Établissement : Art Gallery of Greater Victoria  Facebook-Art Gallery of Greater Victoria  Twitter-Art Gallery of Greater Victoria  YouTube-Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Ville de l'établissement : Victoria
Province de l'établissement : BC
Enregistrement de l'institution : Fiche complète provenant du site du musée

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