
bottle, glass

Nom de l'objet : bottle, glass
Catégorie de l'objet : Distribution & Transportation Artifacts
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : Container
Numéro de catalogue : HER75179
Numéro d'accession : 2008.0097.0097
Description : A green oval shaped glass bottle with metal stopper. The bottle has two mould seams running from the base to the lip and there are air bubbles in the surface of the glass. The lid of the bottle is badly corroded around the edges . There is a small piece of twisted metal hanging down from the lid that is also very corroded. The top of the metal lid is painted white and has blue lettering that reads 'BLACK AND WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY'. PH3 2008
Nombre d'objets : 1
Département : B.C. Heritage Branch
Établissement : Barkerville Historic Town  Facebook-Barkerville Historic Town  Twitter-Barkerville Historic Town 
Ville de l'établissement : Barkerville
Province de l'établissement : British Columbia

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